Article 5. Requirements. 1 The requirements that must satisfy the entity representative and signatory of the request shall be as follows: to) be entities non-profit national or supraautonomico, having in their collected statutes such condition and without that on them is established no limit or condition of territorial character to be part of the same, being also formed by partners who do not lie entirely in the autonomous communityNoting this fact through the registered office thereof. b) meet as indicated in articles 11 and 13 of law 38/2003 of 17 of November, General grant, necessary to obtain the status of beneficiary and, in particular, be informed in compliance with its tax obligations and against social security. (c) not have received or applied for other grants, grants, income or resources for the same purpose, from any administrations or entities public or private, national, EU or international agencies. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University is open to suggestions.
(d) is not a debtor by resolution of provenance of reinstatement. (e) the entities that are subject to a resolution for the reinstatement of aid, or to a prior Decision of the European Commission, which has declared the beneficiary illegal and incompatible with the common market aid not be the status of beneficiaries. 2 Beneficiary entities with status of collaborating in the project, must likewise satisfy the requirements set out in subparagraphs (b)), c), (d)) and e) of paragraph 1. Article 6. Obligations of the beneficiaries. 1. The beneficiaries will be subject to the fulfilment of the ((obligations referred to in article 14(1) of the law 38/2003, General grants, 17 November, as well as registering the subsidy received in the accounting books to which commercial and sectoral legislation compels them, in accordance with provisions of articles 14.f) and 17.h) of the Act, and article 59, paragraph (d)), of Regulation (EC) No. 1198 / 2006.
2. With regard to information and publicity measures, the beneficiary shall register the financial participation of the European Fisheries Fund in all activities of dissemination and promotion related to the subsidised activity, as well as to comply with the other obligations set forth in article 32 of Regulation (EC) No. 498/2007 of 26 March 2007 Commission, by establishing the rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No. 1198 / 2006 of the Council, concerning the European Fisheries Fund. 3 You must allocate eligible goods for the particular purpose for which grant, at least for a period of five years from the date of the last payment, pursuant to article 56 of Regulation (EC) No. 1198 / 2006 of 27 July 2006 Council. 4. For the purposes of verification and control, the beneficiary must keep supporting documents concerning the application of the funds received, at least during the periods referred to in article 87 of Regulation (EC) No. 1198 / 2006, without prejudice as required in the law 38/2003, General subsidies. Article 7. Presentation of applications, deadlines and instruction.