Carlos Mora Vanegas 183 countries arrived in Rome in search of actions to find solutions to the serious problem faced by some with regard to hunger, food intake. It went towards reaching agreements to deal with dynamism, success many of the problems that have been generated by several factors, including the serious situation of drought, as we are reminded Slice newsletter commenting on the reality that droughts are one of the main reasons for the shortage of local food and, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) United Nations, climate change will bring increased drought and desertification in some areas, but also increase the rains and floods in others. These changes seriously disrupt agriculture and food systems around the world and particularly in South Africa and Asia and Brazil. No doubt as mentioned, that the responsibility for the crisis lies in the handful of companies multinationals now control trade in agricultural products in most of the world. Their effect has been to "internationalize" the production, consumption and food prices, which has undermined the national and local control precisely on the same systems that are supposed to provide food for the population.
A small number of commodity trading companies and processors of raw materials is having a tremendous market power in world markets. These companies, together with the multinational food producers, many of which are integrated with energy and chemical companies are reaping record profits, while a growing number of hungry people. As noted by the IUF, "To succeed in controlling inflation in food prices must face the concentrated power of food corporations and curb financial speculation." Indeed, that once held the summit, as review, the Member countries of the Organization of United Nations Food and Agriculture (FAO) has adopted a final declaration of the Rome summit, which is committed to fighting world hunger.