Bush And The War Against Terrorism

Doctrine Bush and the war against terrorism on September 11, 2001: for the first time in history United States was attacked within its territory, became vulnerable and millions of stunned eyes could not believe what was being transmitted by their televisions. The world power, the most powerful country in the world, had could not prevent a terrorist attack on its soil. The words terrorist, terrorism and axis of evil became since then common places. George W. Bush, then launched what he called a crusade against terror. Why in the 21st century when progress technology they seem to have gone beyond the imagination of the man, and where globalization has brought closer than ever to different cultures, terrorist movements occur? Where this failure of the liberalism? To Francis Fukuyama, terrorism has its roots in a problem of identity where the modern politics of identity arises from a failure in political theory that underpins liberal democracy.

For Fukuyama liberalism has failed to recognize the rights of group, focus on the individual in carrying out a domestic plan setting aside the person as a social subject. From this position the radicalism arises when individuals of some tradition or customs face their values. This is for example, when a Muslim leaves his country and settles in a Western country where there is another way of conceiving the world. You are right, but only to a certain extent, since while it is true that the problem of identity is fundamental to understand the emergence of terrorism, it is also true that conflict occurs not only for religious, cultural or ethnic groups threatened their identity in foreign countries, but also for the clear intervention by one country to another. This is precisely the case of United States, country recognised as an example of both economic and political liberalism. However, hypocrisy and contradiction are words that leave no mark not only its National Plan of Proclaimed security after the attacks of September 11, but his proceeding.