Best Business Management Style

A good manager today, as Michel E. Porter asserts in his book Competitive Strategy-Techniques for analyzing industries and competition “, shall take the company to shape and implement a competitive strategy in the sense of” developing a broad formula for how the company going to compete, what its goals should be and what policies are needed to develop these goals, “all built on the analysis of the structure of an industrial sector and competition, to know in detail the five forces of competition in the industrial sector (the negotiating capacity of customers, bargaining power of suppliers, threat of substitute products, new revenue, and rivalry among existing competitors) and barriers to enter the sector and barriers to exit the sector, and battle each poderlas.

All of the above happens, of course, a long-term strategic planning, focused on the market, defined a framework for action, with involvement of people, with emphasis on diagnosis and strategies, and monitoring and control based Business Values. As we were saying, before the economic liberalization, companies that want to survive, Colombia or any country, led by their managers, should be changed consistently to face a complex and highly dynamic, for which the company management will have to maneuver under a new strategic management paradigm that allows you to create and exploit competitive advantages. Everything understanding, as I said Jorge Ignacio Paz in the study already quoted, “The strategic direction has been introduced as a process, this means that it is an activity that can be decomposed into a sequence of stages. .